Feeling Daytime SLEEPINESS ? Your partner always SNORE loud when you wish to sleep well ?
Sleep Clinic @ AlphaThe Sleep Clinic aims to establish a dedicated facility for the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of Sleep Related Breathing Disorder (SRBD) & Insomnia. SRBD causes a fall in the oxygen content of the blood during sleep. This is a serious but often under-recognized condition which is associated with significant illness and death. People with SRBD have increased risk of stroke, hypertension, heart disease and motor vehicle accidents (through falling asleep while driving - 'Sleep Driving')
What is Sleep Apnoea?
Sleep apnoea is a common and serious sleep disorder affecting 5% of adults. Males overweight people, smokers and drinkers are more prone to suffer from this disorder.
Sleep apnoea suffers are mostly heavy snorers; they stop breathing and choke many times during sleep. The apnoea-choking-awakening cycle may occur up to hundreds of times a night. As a result, sleep is broken up into segments that cause poor sleep quality resulting in daytime sleepiness.
Symptoms of Sleep Apnoea.
. Habitual loud snoring 睡觉时鼻严重
. Tiredness 疲倦
. Poor memory 记忆力减退
. Excessive sleepiness 精神散涣
. Irritability 日间打瞌睡
. Impotence 脾气暴躁
Sleep apnoea will effect your energy and work ethic

Sleep apnoea will effect your life !
For further more information and appointment, please contact:
- Dr Wong Wing Keen, Respiratory Physician
- Dr Ronald Jalleh, Respiratory Physician
- Dr Lau Wee Ming, Respiratory Physician
- Dr Lee Moon Keen, Neurologist
- Dr Subramanian, ENT Surgeon
- Dr Ting Joe Hang, Psychiatrist
Alpha Specialist Centre
Tel : 03 - 6141 8533